Many thanks to Cremation & Celebrations: simple cremation London Ontario for their financial support as we put together this article.

When you first make an offer on a property you might think that you will never have a reason to sell that perfect home. But life is always changing and most people find that they live in more than a dozen different homes, from a luxury condo to an oceanfront cottage based throughout their life. When you get to that stage where it's time to put your current home on the market you want to make sure that you know what you're getting into and can do what's necessary to get the best price possible. This quick guide will help you get started in the right direction no matter if you're selling with an London Ontario real estate agent or going it alone here in Mississauga.

Don't rush getting your home on the market and in the MLS listings. Most real estate experts will tell you that any property, no matter how well maintained it is, will need to make some small changes before it is ready for sale. It's very important to declutter and make your rooms as clean and well organized as possible before you take pictures for your agent's website or online listing. This means both the inside and outside of your home. Limit the number of personal items, like pictures and drawings on the fridge, and make sure that you don't have too much furniture in any of the rooms. Some people opt to rent a storage space and start packing up things even at this early stage. There are even professional home stagers, like Sold By Style that can get your home sale ready.

Get the advice of an expert. Even if you're selling your home on your own without an agent that does not mean that you can't get someone into your property to give you some advice on things that need to be improved and what an appropriate offer price might be. Even if you have the time to do your own research into the current market you will not have access to the same statistics and information as a real estate agent or someone else in the business. Use them where you can. You could advertise your own dental practice for example, or you could hire professionals to do it right the first time. Trust the experts in their own field.

Mostly everyone working in the real estate industry will tell you that the number one most important decision that you will make when selling your home is choosing the right offer price. This involves lots of research into the current market and being realistic about where your home sits with the others listed at the same time. Homes have the greatest chance of selling for a fair price in the first four weeks of being on the market so you should do your best to get it right the first time.

If you're selling your property and buying new, for instance, at the same time than you should think about the timeline for when you're going to start looking for your new property. You don't want to end up paying two mortgages at the same time but also don't want to end up with no home at all for a long period of time. Research both markets and talk it over with your buying and selling agents before making a proposed timeline.

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